Image of Bevis Watts
Bevis Watts - chief executive of Triodos Bank UK

Reflecting on 2022, it’s been a year of turbulence and uncertainty. That being said, so were 2021 and 2020.

It’s no wonder that Collins Dictionary chose “permacrisis” as the word of the year for 2022. It seems that unpredictability has become the new normal.

In these tumultuous times, long-standing global and societal issues, like climate change and inequality, can often feel like they are being side-lined.

That’s why now, more than ever, we need to not lose sight of what’s important: our natural world, a sustainable future, and a fair and equitable society for all. These are things we’re all part of, and we all rely on.

The power of the Triodos community

RSPB Conwy Nature Reserve lake and wetland area
RSPB Conwy Nature Reserve, which received lending from Triodos this year | Credit: Eleanor Bentall (

As we rebuild our economy, if we are to avoid future crises, then we cannot simply follow the status quo. Triodos Bank is about challenging the existing narrative and championing a new way to do finance that’s good for people and planet.

Triodos is more than just a bank. It’s a movement. And I believe that there is hope in the collective action of the Triodos community.

As I always say, we couldn’t do it without you. Being a customer means you are doing good with your money, and joining a movement to change finance. Thank you for choosing to save, bank or invest with us, and for supporting what we stand for.

To friends of Triodos who follow us, thank you for supporting and sharing our message. Getting the word out about our mission helps inspire others.

The impact of your money

Wind turbine
Wind turbine constructed by Thrive Renewables, which received £6.8m on our crowdfunding platform

Despite the challenging economic conditions, we’re still lending to new and exciting projects. From affordable green homes and community renewable energy projects to education providers, small businesses and charities.

There are far too many pioneering organisations to mention here, but you can see every loan and investment we make on Know Where your Money Goes. For stories of how your money is making an impact, sign up to our monthly newsletter or follow us on social media.

Our highlights this year

The mission to change finance

Thankfully, we’re not alone in trying to drive change within the banking sector. The Make My Money Matter campaign, led by our customer Richard Curtis, has now started to focus on banking, in addition to pensions. It’s urging the UK’s five biggest high-street banks to stop financing fossil fuel expansion - and you can too, by signing its open letter.

It’s fantastic to see organisations like this who are demanding more accountability from the finance industry. Building this momentum is so important, and I’m keen to lend support to movements that believe in the collective power our finances hold.

On that note, please keep spreading the word about Triodos and our mission to use banking for a sustainable future. Customers can use our Refer A Friend scheme to recommend family and friends. Through the collective referrals of our customers, this scheme has already raised nearly £10,000 for our charity partners in 2022 alone.

From all of us at Triodos Bank UK, thank you for your continued support and best wishes for a happy 2023.

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